The Weekly Standard is generally a very good publication with straight on analysis, but this piece is completely ludicrous and border line moronic. It really shows how the "Right' is completely out of touch with whats happening in America and around the world."
This piece starts out with this gem:
"President Obama may think of himself as a Robin Hood of sorts--taking from the rich, giving to the poor".
Has the author been living in a cave the last 8 months? Taking from the Rich? Giving it to the Poor? First of all Obama doesn't think of himself as anyone accept the President. He doesn't go around like W, thinking he can change the Arab World, a society that has been killing each other for 1300 plus years.
"Forces President Obama to choose some working Americans' jobs over others and break campaign promises to not hike taxes on the middle class? Will the president stand up to the unions?"
Break campaign promises not to hike taxes on the middle class? Yes, he made a promise, but so did Ronald Reagan in 1980, when he aggressively ran the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act down the countries throats. As well as Bill Clinton in 1993, the Clinton Tax increase had the conservatives fuming, saying that any Tax increase would cause a recession but led to one of the biggest economic booms in history. The Reagan Tax hike was good for the country. Tax hikes are good for the country, it doesn't kill economic growth, it controls it and enables it.
So far we have seen nothing of the sort for a tax increase come out of Obama's mouth. Big Mouth Joe Biden yes, but not the boss.
According to the CBO, federal taxes will amount to just 15.5% of GDP this year. That’s 2.2% of GDP less than last year, 3.3% less than in 2007, and 1.8% less than the lowest % recorded during the Reagan years. If conservatives like Neena Shenai really believe their own rhetoric, they should be congratulating Obama for being one of the greatest tax cutters in history, not busting his balls.
The rest of the article centers around trade, the auto market, and China. Again, totally self serving, if it was left for conservatives, the entire Auto Industry would have been left to go bankrupt. The author makes the point to say Obama has to stand tough with regards to China and the trade policy. Shut up! The "Right" doesn't care about workers, if they did, they wouldn't have busted Obama's balls over the bailout. A bailout that saved millions of jobs.
Its just one more example of clueless self serving think tankers who are not living in reality, who's only purpose is to injure Obama with drivel. I have my issues with the President, he is not perfect, but I wouldn't be able to his job in a billion years, and the author couldn't either.
Also has the author taken the time to consider that China is the only entity supporting our Treasury market other then Ben Bernanke and Tim Geithner?
After carefully considering this point, the article should be thrown in the garbage.
This is how the world works and rolls.
David Brooks another "Right" leaning journalist who 90% time is living in realty has this piece."
"The administration hasn' been able to pull it off. From the stimulus to health care".
He has this 50% correct, How in the world can he say that the stimulus hasn't worked? Has he taken a look at the stock and credit markets of late? maybe all smoke and mirrors, but still. Also the reason Health Care has failed is because Obama put so much election night good will into the banking sector rescue, he doesn't have the horses for a full frontal attack here. Its obvious his poll numbers are going to suffer when the only thing to do is to print money. If there was an alternative plan, Mr. Brooks should let us know. Its easy to say "Nationalize" the banks, and Teach Wall Street a lesson. But in the grand scheme, the country and the FDIC doesn't have the horses for a full scale nationalization of Wall Street and the Banks. I am first to say I was wrong in suggesting this earlier in the year.
"Some now argue that the administration should just ignore the ignorant masses and ram health care through using reconciliation, the legislative maneuver that would reduce the need for moderate votes. This would be suicidal. You can’t pass the most important domestic reform in a generation when the majority of voters think you are on the wrong path. To do so would be a sign of unmitigated arrogance."
Is he kidding me? This is what exactly what Bush did with the IRAQ WAR! At least Obama hasn't lied to the extent of Bush & Cheney.
Oh, that's right. Lets not be obsessed with the past, concentrate on the present and future. Sounds like Mark McGwire, another fraud.
Who cares if the public has soured on Obama? The GOP is completely clueless and rudderless, Obama will win regardless in 2012. From everything we have seen from Obama, he seems to be a guy who is right in the middle in most issues.
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