Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Two People Who Need To Get Fired Now!

I never demand people get fired, but both Tim Geithner and Larry Summers need to be fired immediately by Obama.

Geithner has the absolute gall to say the following in the New Yorker.

"We Saved the Economy, But We Kind of Lost the Public Doing It"

I have two problems with this. Firstly they saved "Fat Cat" Bakers on Wall Street not the general economy. The real economy is still getting raped by the financial economy. Secondly, he is still leaving in Fantasy Island by saying "Kind of Lost." They have completely lost the center of the country with their bailout shenanigans. Calling this differently is like calling the Pacific Ocean - Kind of Deep.


Simon Johnson has written a more clear response:


My take is even more straightforward. The economy can only win if we lose Geithner and Summers. These two nitwits have completely betrayed the public in doing the bidding for Wall Street. These two economic charlatans are the worst thing that can ever happen to our country. When will Obama face this truth? What reality is he living in? The President needs to start focusing on Main Street and the real economy, unfortunately he listens to much to Geithner and Summers, who incredibly want to use TARP money to continue to bailout Wall Street and to pay down the deficit. This is completely uncalled for and absurd. Obama is failing America by continuing to listen to these two magpies. Heckle and Jeckle are leading him to ruin.

NY Governor David Patterson is in hot water over $6K in Yankee tickets and about $20K in conflicted horse racing fees, but Tim Geithner and his billions in tax payer giveaways still has a job? What planet does this make sense? The Obama Administration is much more concerned about good PR then actually fixing the problems. That is why we still keep reading puff pieces about Geithner and Summers.

We need only to sacrifice two more jobs to save our Union.

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