Thursday, June 11, 2009

And Yet Stock Index Futures Rally?

My friend sent me this from his Bloomberg Terminal.

Back in September-October period this market was the most hated market I have ever seen.

Since early April, this is the stupidest market I have ever seen.


  1. Bloombergs got a chart for everything. The employment picture actually looks much worse in reality.

  2. Next month's unemployment figure is of importance here, as the cumulative layoffs of recent past would be counted in. Besides crude's uptrending recent-highs doesn't hold the pretty picture either.

  3. Thanks For the comments SamRag.
    I will also say that recent College Grads who have not found work are not counted in the payroll figure as well as not counted in the Unemployment claims figure. Who are these guys in the govt kidding?

    Crude has been strong for only one reason. Wall Street Greed. Its not fund or even technically driven.
