Monday, August 31, 2009


We have so much static in the trading of AIG over the last month or so.

We have everybody trying to analyze whats going on."

Well, when you finally have Barron's doing a story, the cat is out of the bag.

The story goes on to state that AIG is overpriced. NAH! You kidding me! Really!

Can we all stop the psycho babble? The only reason AIG is going up is because of short covering. Period! End Of Story!

There is massive put selling, call buying, forced buy ins, and short covering going on indiscriminately.

People are actually trying to revalue this dog shit company.
We have tens of analysts and so called financial pundits on TV all talking about the reasons why AIG has been flying. I have heard it all. From Benmosche being hired to Hank Greenberg coming back, to them getting more value out of their assets. Its all crap. The company's assets have quite a bit of value, and will be sold off in the next 12-24 months, but the eventual sale of these assets will not net the taxpayer anything close to what we have given AIG for its survival. Not once have I heard of the one true reason this company has gone up - SHORT COVERING!

The whole market bet red on AIG's failure, as they should.
So in turn the market is betting green at the moment.

Lets Move On.

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