Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Warren Buffet's OpEd in NYT.

I have posted before about Warren Buffett.

Today's OpEd in the NY Times doesn't change my opinion. It only fortifies it.

He should can the phoniness and just start out with.............

Thanks Morons.

Thanks Morons for bailing out Goldman Sachs.

Thanks Morons for bailing out Wells Fargo

Thanks Morons for not coming down hard on Moody's.

Thanks Morons for allowing the Banks to leverage up and take ludicrous risks without supervision and regulation.

Thanks Morons for giving us a impotent FinReg bill that will only further enable GS and Wall Street to take even more out sized risks that will sink the economy but not me.

Warren Buffett had no clue about the factors that led up to the financial crisis. He talked a good game about derivatives but allowed Berkshire to be knee deep in them. He personally enabled Moody's to conjure up phony ratings for hundreds of billions of CDO's. CDO's that GS packaged and sold all over the world.

He talks a good game about taxes and the such but somehow I must believe he is in the ear of Obama pleading with him to extend the tax cuts across the board.

In short, I don't believe anything this bum says. He has conveniently told the truth when it has served Berkshire's purpose. He is no different than Bernanke and Geithner.

Warren Buffett is a bad guy. I can't say it any clearly than that.

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