Thursday, July 9, 2009

Why Is AIG Even allowed To Trade?

AIG foolishly announced a 1-20 reverse stock split last week. The stock has done nothing but go down since it is easier to short the hell out of now that its artificially higher in price.

Knowing fully that this would be the case why would anyone allow this numskull move? Why did the NYSE allow this? The NSYE came out and stated that the delisting notice was done in error, but it was to late.

Now we have many analysts who have suddenly come to the understanding that AIG is really worthless the way it is currently structured.

Michael Lewis has a great piece in Vanity Fair:

Bloomberg also with a nice piece:


  1. AIG is also set to announce new Bonus Plans for executives on July 15th.

  2. Why was Hank Greenberg allowed to keep $34 million dollars of employee contributions last week....there is nothing savory about the entire AIG affair. Thank you for the links above.

  3. OLD BOYS CLUB! Secret Handshakes.

    Thanks for reading!
