Monday, August 3, 2009

We Need To Move On From The.....

....Endless Goldman Bashing over their presumed dominance of all that is holy.

Who cares how much money they got from Treasury, at least they were smart enough to create their veiled counter party risk. Why didn't Lehman, Wachovia, Wamu, Merrill, and Citigroup do the same? The answer lies in the fact that these nitwit companies were too busy defending their bad fianancials and trying to fight short sellers, where as GS was working the phones.

This is how GS Rolls!

Somewhere I don't believe Loyd Blankfein really cares what anybody or what anyone thinks.

This is how GS Rolls!

America wanted higher equity prices...well you got it. SOLD!

This is how GS Rolls!

The wrong argument is being made about Goldman. The real argument is that....

....What they should be getting bashed for is running up Crude Oil prices again and building this doomsday HFT program that is inflating equity prices.

So far the blog media is much more in tune to what the real issues are, while the main stream media is still obsessed with the old story.

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