Friday, February 19, 2010

Deficit Commission Only Means Higher Taxes

Barack Obama's Executive Order To Create A Deficit Commission.

The words Bipartisan and Free Markets should be stricken from the national vocabulary. They don't mean anything. Bipartisan only means that tax payer funds can be evenly distributed to both parties so that an agreement to loot the nation can be achieved. They have come up with just another way for Congress and DC to whitewash the public into thinking that they work for us. Evan Bayh who is a good man quit this past week. He was one of the last good ones working for the country. He knew that its all a scam and he didn't want to be part of it anymore. I am just hoping that he recharges himself and runs for general office in either 2012 or 2016. Again, didn't we all thing Obama was that transformational figure?

Going back to Obama's Executive Order, all it is is a backdoor tax increase on the country. That is the ultimate end game. Its all posturing. Can't these guys do anything face up? Look at it this way. If I were a member of the fiscal commission, what would I try to achieve? To balance and bring the deficit in line. There are two ways to do it. Cut spending or raise taxes. Its quite simple other then raiding or invading Saudi Arabia or Canada to loot their oil, these are your two choices.

Considering that the country is run by the dual hydra of Defense/Big Business, Congress is run by campaign funds, and the Obama Administration is gutless to Business, the only other way is much higher taxes. The Democrats will want to raise taxes to expand an ever expanding social safety net. This will politically insulate the donkey's from the charges that they are tax and spend. We all know they are in the pockets of Wall Street so they will not dare cut spending on Medicare/Medicaid. The GOP will be in favor of tax cuts because they are in the pockets of the Defense Industry and also the Insurance Industry. It will be very convenient for both parties to sharply increase taxes on the electorate.

This is Obama's plan. President Obama can then campaign in the 2012 general election that he did not break his no taxes on the middle class pledge, but rather a independent bipartisan deficit commission group broke it. Blame them! Not Me! President Obama wants to take credit for trying to fix the fiscal situation but duck responsibility for having imposed higher taxes. Guess what? It will work. We need higher taxes across the board in this country. Americans have lived off the hog for too long. I know its not entirely all the taxpayer's fault that deficits and the economy are in horrible shape, but we are the ones that keep electing these guys who sell us down the river. First it was Bush now Obama. If Americans wake up to the fact that living on credit and China is not in their strategic long term benefits, maybe they will start electing people who in fact don't sell them down the river. We allowed Bush/Cheney to sell us the faulty Iraqi War Intel. We allowed Clinton to repeal Glass-Steagall. We allowed Clinton to embolden Rubin and Summers to totally deregulate Commodities from supervision. We allowed Obama to let Wall Street go back to business as usual. We have to stop this. We have to stop watching Lost, American Idol, Tiger Woods on ESPN NEWS, and other moronic shows and get involved at the grassroots. Many people call the Tea Party idiots and the such, but at least they care enough about the long term health of our country.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Post. Obama is in a horrible position. He wss given tons of lemons. Higher taxes are a done deal, which will only give us a double dip recession.
