Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pawlenty Is Clueless

Another GOP Hack with a phony self serving op-ed piece.


If this is the best the GOP can muster up in 2012 then Obama just has to show up.

Pawlenty comes out swinging saying that the federal budget is "the largest Ponzi scheme our country has ever seen." The Minnesota Republican is insisting that U.S. policymakers cut spending in order to shore up the countries finances. What a joke! Where was this guy in 2008 when TARP was being pushed unto taxpayers? Where was he on the deficit in Bush's 8 years?

Pawlenty and his GOP hatchet squad complain about the deficit while simply and coolly ignore everything that the GOP party did to create it:

-Medicare Part D
-Two Wars that are to this day unfunded
-PORK up the Wazoo.
-Tax Cuts

I don't even think Pawlenty knows what a "Ponzi Scheme" really is. I must have read this op-ed piece 3 times to find out how he is going to cut spending? He doesn't actually mention anything, he wants the government to cut spending, but doesn't say where, or why, or when, or how, or what the economic consequences might be.

The only reference to anything worthwhile is this:

"Congress should reject federal legislation that places additional burdens on growth, such as the proposed health care overhaul, cap-and-trade bill, labor union card check and tax increases."

Same old GOP Hack Therapy. Reject old ideas without pointing to anything substantial, and don't offer any ideas.

The strange thing here is that even the CBO states that health care reform would actually be deficit reducing. Whats not to like here? I have my issues with Cap & Trade as well, but many independent think tanks also believe that this program would also reduce the deficit. All of these reform programs would in fact reduce the deficit, is this not what Pawlenty wants?

Of course it is. In America the GOP knows that to achieve power so they can loot the country they need to conquer and divide. This type of missive is just to rile up the Tea Party crowd who watch Fox News. Any talk of reducing the deficit that doesn't include tax increases along with spending cuts is flat out phony.

Pawlenty is transparently as phony as they come. Its beyond me that the Republican Party actually believes this kind of non sense.

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